Friday, July 3, 2009

Big Mouth

So, lately I've really confided a lot in the people at work when I have problems at work. It's not that I trust them, but they are just always there, and they're nosie so they normally listen. It's just that I don't have anyone at home that gives me that. I can't talk to my best friend because she's normally in bed in the time I have before I go to work, and I'm too tired to talk when I get home. Our schedules just don't allow us time to get together. My boyfriend just doesn't listen. Lately our lives revolve around him so when I talk to him, he doesn't care...
What brought this up? Yesterday I got my 90 day evaluation, and I told my manager how I get blaimed for things that this other girl does (and I said her name) well, he told me something stupid like our store doesn't discriminate, and it made me upset, then I got worried because I thought I might get this girl in trouble. So I seen one of the girls from the deli, and I told her about it, she was on break, and we were walking together, and I talked to her about it. She didn't seem like she really cared, but she never talks much now I sound crazy thinking about how I'll just talk to the first person I know and spill my guts, but I have no one to talk to. I called Thunda on my break but he didn't want to talk, he was helping some friends move, but he said they were finished and that he'd be at the store before my break was over, so I called my best friend, but 30 minutes is just not long enough for us to talk about everything so I talked to the girl in the bakery about it, which she didn't make me feel 100% better, but it helped. Thunda doesn't understand how crazy my life is right now, and I don't think he really cares. He compared me to some crazy lady that randomly started talking to him in the store. So, I'm crazy because I'm trying to talk out my fustrations to people that aren't him. Maybe if he'd listen to me every once in a while I wouldn't have to talk to the girls at work about everything. Like I said, I really don't trust any of them, I just know something is going to bite me in the ass one day, but I don't really care. It feels good to get things off my chest and I've had a lot on my chest lately (but that's another blog post :)). Thunda told me I talk too much to other people, and really I've never been that way, but I've always had my good friends that listen to me all the time, and really he's all I have when I get off at the end of the day, and he's no help, so who do I turn to?...