Thursday, April 9, 2009


Geese, I have so much going on in my life, and so much to write about, but I just don't ever have the time to write! Isn't that how life always is, it's kind of like finally getting a job. You finally have money to do the things you never did because you were broke, but now you have no time to do them. Anyways...

I'm trying to find a new apartment. I think I'm not allowed to stay in one place for more than a year, because something always happens and me and Thunda decide to move. The landlord isn't doing a very good job about keeping down the partying or enforcing the parking rules, so we're getting fed up. One of our neighbors had a party last night, and someone threw my bike in the ditch, and my landlord didn't seem too concern. Well, I am, because who knows, one night they could decide to start throwing beer our vehicles...that would not be good. I think me and Thunda are above all this, and I'm tired of putting up with it, and our landlord. We've also got a drip in our ceiling that we told the maintenance about, and our landlord got huffy about I guess we just won't bother him about it again until the ceiling falls through.

I thought Spring was here, but in actaulity, Spring is having a fight with it's arch nemosis Winter. Sunday was beautiful, and warm...Tuesday it's snowing. Unbeleivable! Today is nice again, and I'm excited again, but I feel a little sceptical...I don't know if I can trust weather right now.

I finally got a call back at Wal-Mart, and I do my orientation tonight! yay! I'm really excited to get in there and start working, and start getting paychecks! In celebration of getting a new job I'm going to get an i-phone, so I'm so excited! I will miss my razor, but it's time to move on...

I have a lot of work for school right now, and it almost seems like too much. I got overwhelmed thinking about my resume, and the lack of things to put on it, that I was volunteering to do stuff that I didn't have the time for, so, I've given up on those things, told myself there will be time later, and now I'm just focusing on the neccessities. Since I am a Senior, I am participating in my art programs anual senior show, and that is a female dog! when putting stuff in a gallery, you always want to put your best foot foward, but this is like a coming of age kind of thing. There's a sophomore and a senior show. The sophomore show is like a free-for-all, and anything you want to put in it goes. The Senior show is juried, and only two of your pieces make it, and there's a chance to win money! I'm also doing a competition (one of those things I didn't give up) and so far, no one has entered, so I hope I win...there's money involved again.:) It's for the environmental club, so I guess no one really knows about it. Oh well, their one say a word!

I've decided what I'm going to do with my life. I've always wanted my own cafe, and at the beggining of this semester I expressed to Thunda how much I really wanted that sometime down the line. well, as the days passed, I kept coming up with good ideas for it. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so the goals became more real, and my original anticipated date to start slowly kept lowering. Well...I have to do a cover letter for my senior capstone, and I have to find an actual job to apply for...I couldn't find one. Nothing, nada to do with my art major, so...I decided to go ahead with my cafe. I give myself two years to get my stuff together (business proposals, name, etc. etc.) and I'm going to start my business. Until then, I'll find a random 9-5 job that all you need is a batchelors degree for, and I'll save save save, so...that's what I'm going to do! It'll be great, i can do my own art, and sell it, and cook, and eat, and be happy!

Easter is this weekend, and I'm excited to enjoy it! Last year I caught the flu and was sick as soon as I woke up that morning, and that's the day Thunda's family has Easter dinner, so I was miserable, and by myself praying to the porcelain gods...then Thunda got sick too...double wammy. This year, I've been taking my echanasia, and I've been going to bed early every night,so, this year... I'm eating my deviled eggs!!!

Well, I hope everyone elses lives are as crazy as mine! leave me some feed back, I love to read the comments from you guys!


  1. Congrats on the Wal-mart phone call! I did my orientation on Wednesday. I orientated wednesday which was weird and goofy, but I met some people, and things. Have fun with CBLs! I know you will... HATE THEM. I went in to work on Thursday and asked the people greeter (that's what i am) what to do, they all basically told me to do CBLs until someone told me what to do. I didn't end up doing anything until 7pm and that wasn't even people greeting. I trained on the register! Anyway, once things get rolling, I think i'll like it, and the money aint too bad either! Good Luck with your wal mart employment

  2. I think you're going to go far with whatever you do Sis! And I KNOW your cafe' is going to be amazing!!
