Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

So, I know it's been a while, and I have a lot to talk about, so I think I'm going to number my thoughts instead of writing them as one big book. It'll be easier to read that way. This past week as you all may know was spring break and my birthday! A lot of exciting things happened, and I'm sad it all had to end. Well, here we go!

1.) Thunda Kat took me to a few museums for my birthday; 21C, The Kentucky Museum for Arts and Crafts, and the Speed Art Museum. We had an awesome time, and he took me to lunch at The Hard Rock Cafe. 21C had to be my favorite of all! Everything had an artistic flair to it, including the bathrooms, which had two way mirrors, and videos in the mirrors. Me and Thunda got lost...appearently you can only use the elevators to go to the hotel, and you can't use the steps to go down, we ended up in the employee's break room. A nice fellow helped us back to where we needed to go. Getting lost I think was the best part! We do like to explore!

2.) Me and Thunda went home for about 5 days, which was nice. I don't get to see my family much anymore since I'm in my last days of collage, I'm so busy. My niece is getting so big, and she can talk so much! She loves Thunda, and I can't get in two words before she's asking where he is! I love her to death, and I love spending time with her. I also got to spend time with Thunda's family. His neices and nephew are getting so big! His nephew is almost as tall as me, and he's only 12!

3.) I have eaten so much cake in the last week, I am sick of it! Well... not really, I should be, but I'm not. I have eaten a lot though. We got to eat good the whole time we were home, it was great, but now I'm spoiled...I have to cook again. Oh well, I need to work off that cake! I had to walk 3 flights today in the art building, and I was so out of breath! It's all this food I'm packin'!

4.) Me and my Mom got to spend a lot of time together, which I really enjoyed. Me and my mom are best friends, and I miss her so much, especially now that the weather is nice, we always started walking together around this time, and though I haven't lived at home for a while, I still miss it. At my birthday party my ant (my dad's sister) was talking about how her and my grandmother couldn't go five minutes down the road without arguing, and I just thought, I couldn't imagine arguing with my mom. We get along so well, and,well, it's just a waste of time arguing everything to death.

6.) I've got a couple of new artists that everyone should listen to, I've been listening to them for a while, but a couple of thier songs played on my Pandora music station, and I thought I should share! One is a French artist named Yael Naim, and another is a british girl named Adele. They both have good soul songs, that make you wish you were strolling in the park in a beautiful spring day, and we should all have wonderful daydreams like that.

5.) Now that Spring break is over, my life is going to get wild and crazy! There's only about 6 weeks left of this semester, and I have a lot to do. It's nothing I could avoid, it's just how the spring semester always goes. I'm excited though, I have excited things happening for me, and I'm going to endulge in them all! So, everyone hold on to your seats, we are on the down sloap of this roller coaster of a semester!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, it's Sunday night, and we had daylight savings (which blows) and I haven't done much of anything this weekend, so I'm sitting her thinking of the best ways to divide my time, so that I get everything finished. So, it's going to be another busy week, but hopefully not a stressful one. Ahhh...procrastination is fun. I made some bread for the week. It's the first loaf I've ever made, and it tastes so awesome!!! I can't wait till I can make more. It was so easy! Next time I'm trying wheat. So, I found out that MC Chris is releasing pre-orders for his next album midnight of March 16th...MY BIRTHDAY!!! So I'm trying to convince him to call me on my birthday (I'm on his message board) So, here's hoping he does...maybe he'll come and visit me or something...ask me out... I dunno...hehe...Just kidding thunda...maybe...Muahahaha! Seriously though, I hope he calls me. He's so cute. So my friend "C" receantly hit her 100th blogg, which is amazing!!! I think that is so fun celebrating it, she made this really cool picture and everything! I can't wait till I have hit my 100 blogg! I think I'm going to do the same thing, except I might start at 50, because that means I'm "over the hill". So, thanks C, that's an awesome idea! Everyone should read her blogg, it's awesome, and she has this awesome new nephew. He was born too early, but he's really strong, and he's fighting through everything. I know he's going to grow up being a strong man...and he's going to iritate the hell out of C...just because he can...and he's going to have C's personality...It'll be great! So, I'm really procrastinating on going to should only be 10:30p right now...not 11:30! I hate Spring foward...but I love spring!!! I'm in limbo...well, I think that's all for now...More bloggs this week, I promise! Go see Watchmen, it's awesome! (fin)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lazy weekend

DQ took some pictures of my new tea kettle while it was boiling, so I decided to take some too! I love it, it's so awesome to watch the water boil from the side. My awesome Thunda got it for me, my last tea kettle rusted in the spout, so this one, I don't have to worry about it!
So, it has been a busy busy week! I was so glad when Friday finally came! I've finished Breaking Dawn finally. It was good, but wordy, I tended to get bored when I think her intentions were to make it suspenseful. I do wish she'd come out with a book about Alice though. She has such a mysterious back ground that I think it would serve as an incredible book! Alice is my favorite character...if you couldn't tell! Now I've started "A Lion Amongst Men". I already love the book, and I've just started.
Me and Thunda Kat have been trying to walk again. Now that it's warming up, we can walk outside. It's been really fun, we talk a lot, which I like because we get a lot of stress off our minds. I'd like to get sexy like Eva Longoria, she is a babe! Thunda Kat put her as his wallpaper because I have this awesome picture of Shia Labouf on mine. Hey, I had to have someone to look at while he was gone! So speaking of Eva the sexy, my new favorite show is desperate houswives. I watched it a bit when it first came out, but I got out of watching it...anyways, it comes on about 1p everyday on lifetime, and some days i get to come home during that time. It is great! The red headed lady is fysty! I love it! I want to be a saucy rich housewife...but of course I want my riches to be part of my hard work too, not just from my husband...honestly, what kinf of girl do you think I am!
Thunda's mom sent him home with a lot of groceries, and a lot of that consisted of cookies, and sweets, which I love, but I'm trying to be healthy! So we just had to get rid of all that! eating it all of course...we can't waste it. that we are slowly ridding of all that stuff, I'm going to start watching what I eat...again...I'm so weak! chocolate and peanut butter together as a team is just hard to resist! They tag team me, I tell ya! Anywho...
I haven't even really noticed not having a job, I've been way to busy with school, which I have been greatful for. If I have too much time on my hands, I won't take advantage of it, I would just laze around and complain about not having a job. I've been able to focus on school, and try to be a good house-pookie. I'm trying to decorate more, and trying to keep the house cleaned, but that's easier than it sounds! You know, the weekend I was by myself, the apartment stayed so clean! I guess it's because I only had to clean up after myself.
So, Beetle Juice is on, and I absolutely love this movie!!! Adam and Barbera have the "life" I hope me and Thunda have one day. Our own business, a nice house with a lot of space inside and out. Everything is perfect, except of course for the whole dieing thing...but then again, that works out for them too, but I don't want to die of course, I don't know how good I would be at haunting, or at being stuck in the same place forever! I'd have to be able to go outside, and eat some sunlight! (we watched wife swap one night, and there was this crazy Vegan lady that staired at the sun for breakfast, and she got to live with some good ol Kentucky was a funny episode!)
So, I'm going to be selling my ceramics soon, so everyone(all four of you) be looking out, I'm going to be putting some of them online, so...tell your friends! That's all for now, sorry I've been so sketchy with writing, I'll try to write more often!