Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, it's Sunday night, and we had daylight savings (which blows) and I haven't done much of anything this weekend, so I'm sitting her thinking of the best ways to divide my time, so that I get everything finished. So, it's going to be another busy week, but hopefully not a stressful one. Ahhh...procrastination is fun. I made some bread for the week. It's the first loaf I've ever made, and it tastes so awesome!!! I can't wait till I can make more. It was so easy! Next time I'm trying wheat. So, I found out that MC Chris is releasing pre-orders for his next album midnight of March 16th...MY BIRTHDAY!!! So I'm trying to convince him to call me on my birthday (I'm on his message board) So, here's hoping he does...maybe he'll come and visit me or something...ask me out... I dunno...hehe...Just kidding thunda...maybe...Muahahaha! Seriously though, I hope he calls me. He's so cute. So my friend "C" receantly hit her 100th blogg, which is amazing!!! I think that is so fun celebrating it, she made this really cool picture and everything! I can't wait till I have hit my 100 blogg! I think I'm going to do the same thing, except I might start at 50, because that means I'm "over the hill". So, thanks C, that's an awesome idea! Everyone should read her blogg, it's awesome, and she has this awesome new nephew. He was born too early, but he's really strong, and he's fighting through everything. I know he's going to grow up being a strong man...and he's going to iritate the hell out of C...just because he can...and he's going to have C's personality...It'll be great! So, I'm really procrastinating on going to should only be 10:30p right now...not 11:30! I hate Spring foward...but I love spring!!! I'm in limbo...well, I think that's all for now...More bloggs this week, I promise! Go see Watchmen, it's awesome! (fin)

1 comment:

  1. Now I have to be the first one to comment on this post! He is an awesome kid! He is going to be a pain the rear! And I was surprised about the 100th post thing. I just logged in and it said that I had 99 posts. So I was like, dude! Must Gimp up a picture! It was fun too! But really, I feel sorry for my sister if Possum has my personality!
