So, I know it's been a while, and I have a lot to talk about, so I think I'm going to number my thoughts instead of writing them as one big book. It'll be easier to read that way. This past week as you all may know was spring break and my birthday! A lot of exciting things happened, and I'm sad it all had to end. Well, here we go!
1.) Thunda Kat took me to a few museums for my birthday; 21C, The Kentucky Museum for Arts and Crafts, and the Speed Art Museum. We had an awesome time, and he took me to lunch at The Hard Rock Cafe. 21C had to be my favorite of all! Everything had an artistic flair to it, including the bathrooms, which had two way mirrors, and videos in the mirrors. Me and Thunda got lost...appearently you can only use the elevators to go to the hotel, and you can't use the steps to go down, we ended up in the employee's break room. A nice fellow helped us back to where we needed to go. Getting lost I think was the best part! We do like to explore!
2.) Me and Thunda went home for about 5 days, which was nice. I don't get to see my family much anymore since I'm in my last days of collage, I'm so busy. My niece is getting so big, and she can talk so much! She loves Thunda, and I can't get in two words before she's asking where he is! I love her to death, and I love spending time with her. I also got to spend time with Thunda's family. His neices and nephew are getting so big! His nephew is almost as tall as me, and he's only 12!
3.) I have eaten so much cake in the last week, I am sick of it! Well... not really, I should be, but I'm not. I have eaten a lot though. We got to eat good the whole time we were home, it was great, but now I'm spoiled...I have to cook again. Oh well, I need to work off that cake! I had to walk 3 flights today in the art building, and I was so out of breath! It's all this food I'm packin'!
4.) Me and my Mom got to spend a lot of time together, which I really enjoyed. Me and my mom are best friends, and I miss her so much, especially now that the weather is nice, we always started walking together around this time, and though I haven't lived at home for a while, I still miss it. At my birthday party my ant (my dad's sister) was talking about how her and my grandmother couldn't go five minutes down the road without arguing, and I just thought, I couldn't imagine arguing with my mom. We get along so well, and,well, it's just a waste of time arguing everything to death.
6.) I've got a couple of new artists that everyone should listen to, I've been listening to them for a while, but a couple of thier songs played on my Pandora music station, and I thought I should share! One is a French artist named Yael Naim, and another is a british girl named Adele. They both have good soul songs, that make you wish you were strolling in the park in a beautiful spring day, and we should all have wonderful daydreams like that.
5.) Now that Spring break is over, my life is going to get wild and crazy! There's only about 6 weeks left of this semester, and I have a lot to do. It's nothing I could avoid, it's just how the spring semester always goes. I'm excited though, I have excited things happening for me, and I'm going to endulge in them all! So, everyone hold on to your seats, we are on the down sloap of this roller coaster of a semester!
I'm glad you had a good spring break! My life is starting to get busy, very slowly, and at a good rate! I am tutoring a student now, and that is going well. I hope your semester goes well, and if your graduating, let me know, I'll make a point to be there.