Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Time

So, It's beautiful outside, and I just started summer classes yesterday, but it doesn't feel like I actually got a summer. I think it's because I worked so much, that I didn't get to enjoy what I worked for. Oh well, hopefully I'll get a break soon...maybe when I graduate...man that seems like forever away! So, I'm taking 4 summer classes, then I'm taking 6 classes next semester so I can graduate...I can't wait! but...I'm going to be so busy! I hope the time goes by fast, like this summer. Summer started about 3 weeks ago, and it went by so fast, of course two out of those three weeks, Thunda was gone out of town, but that's okay, the time apart was good for us. This hopefully is my summer to get back in shape. Me and Thunda got a Wii Fit, and that's a good start. It is an awesome too to getting in shape and having fun, and it influences you to eat healthy, and to do outside excersizing like walking, swimming, running, etc. I'm also wanting to read a lot this summer, no matter how busy I am. It would be cool to read 10 books this summer. I'd be pretty proud of myself if I could get that much. I like to make lists...of course you close to me know that...and I have a list of books to read, and resently I've made a list of artists biography's I want to read, so I have to get crackin! Right now I'm working on "The Learners" by Chip Kidd. It's pretty good, but the chapters are really long. for a man that reads so many books because of his job, you would think his formatting would be better, but then again, I've only just started reading the book. It's already funny though. Chip Kidd's personality really shines through in his writing. I've put a new program up on my blogg. A friend of mine introduced me to it, it's like the visual book shelf on facebook, but I can link it to my blogg, so it makes it so much cooler!!! Now I just have to introduce more people to it so I can stalk thier reading habbits on here too...muah-ha-ha-ha! I love reading books and talking to other people about it...it's funny, because a few years ago I hardly read at all, then I don't know what happened...too many people around me were reading I guess, so I had to start too!
Any who...that's what my summer is consisting of. So, I hope everyone is going to be having a wonderful summer, full of awesome movies, and good books! reply to my posts! I love to hear your comments about my blogs and how I need to start reading over them before I post them!!! LOL!


  1. Hi! me and the hubs actually own a card game called "mwhaahaha!" ain't that cool? Anyways, sorry your summer has been so crazy busy. Mine has two kinda! Workin 5 days a week, and never spending time with the hubs. Plus, packing on the days off (yes, we got the house, and are awaiting move-in day). I never get time to read, but try on my lunches! Oh wells! take care, and don't work too hard!

  2. Go sis! Go sis! You can read those books! Whoot Whoot! Yes I am totally a Book Dork! But I know whatever you put your mind to you've blown out of the water and you are always getting better at it! :D
