Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Dizzy Dez show

I know it's been a while since I last wrote, so there's a lot going on, and I've decided to write this blog MC Chris style, and just list all the things going on, or that I've been thinking on so we go
1. My boyfriend is out of town this weekend visiting his family. His grandpa went into the hospital the other day, he hurt his back and couldn't move, and wouldn't eat. He said he's feeling better, and looks better than he expected, so that's really good. Hopefully he'll get better, and we learn he can't go out and do yard work like he used to(that's how he hurt his back)! He just needs to let one of his young wipper snapper grandsons to help him. I know, I know, there's nothing wrong with an old man wanting to do things by himself, and not wanting to be babied, but he's 90... I think it's time to settle down!

2. I really miss my boy. He's my best friend that I have around 24/7. You can't beat that. I still have my Miss Kitty, she will always be my best friend, but she's married! She did come over and spend a while with me, which was awesome, we don't get to spend much time together, because I'm so dagon busy, then we both worked. It's been awful, but anyways, I miss Thunda's presence. I like to have my alone time, but it's wierd when you just know that no one is giong to walk through that door any time soon. Then the bed...we've been living together for going on 2 years now, and before that, we stayed together just about every night anyways, so it's hard to imagine sleeping without his warmth next to me. So, if anyone wants to volunteer to cover for him while he's gone, feel free to let me know!

3. My cat (the stoopid one) he wants the milk in my cereal even though it is obvious it's not "real" milk...he might like it's vanilla! :P

4. I have so much crap to do, and I do not have the motivation to do it. I know it has to be the weather, I've got a clouded brain from the rain, and I'm all depressed and crap, that I can't focus! I just want to curl up in a ball and do nothing but sulk. My cats won't allow that though...they have to be comfertable when sulking...not me...
5. I've been reading Watchmen. I have to tell you, it is damn good! I barrowed the graphic novel from DQ, and I've also been watching the animated version online with my man. It's pretty good. I can't wait to see the movie, but then again I can, I'm always afraid that the movie is going to suck because I expect it to be just like the book, or in this case the graphic novel.

6. I'm still working on that damned Twilight book...I picked up another book to start when I finish Breaking Dawn, but the chapters are so long!!! This woman is so long winded, and she tries to make things suspensful, but I just get annoyed. My next book is A lion Amongst men...i know, I told Thunda that I would finish this other book I started (I've been working on two, but one I have to get from the library, and they only have one of...Monsters of Templeton btw...)then I would read WWZ, the book about the stories of the zombie appocalypse...I started to read it, and it's good, but I had to stop so I could finish reading all these other books I have going one! I can hardly keep up with life, so why the hell am I trying to read three books! I don't know, it's madness!

well, I don't have much else to say's late, and I do have to get up, sorry...that's all you get for now!!! (stay tuned for next weeks episode)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Exciting Times Ahead

Well, Goody's will be closing next Wed. Like usual, they didn't tell us anything until the last moment. Isn't it wonderful. At first I was really angry, but now I'm just like "whatever". I don't care, and at this point what does it matter. I'm going to make myself not worry about not having a job and look at the positive side of things like, I'm going to have time to devote to my art. I'm going into the business of selling my ceramics, and now I'll have the time to produce more work, and to make them more creative. I'll also have time to devote to myself, which I don't get a lot. I just don't get time to my self at all. The drive to and from work is the only time I'm alone to think, and normally I'm too busy nagging at the stupid drivers. I love hanging out with my thunda Kat (before he starts getting all huffy about me wanting my alone time) I just like to have some time to myself sometimes. I do my best thinking, and cleaning, and I do my best relaxing sometimes when I'm all by my self...(now that song will be stuck in my head....yay) So, yeah, I'm trying to be positive, that job wasn't the greatest job anyways. It didn't pay good, and the company demanded so much out of one person, I'm kind of glad to be getting the chance to look for new opportunities.

So, it seems like spring is fighting the good fight, it snowed like crazy the other day.(ugh...)but now it's starting to warm up, and the sun has been has been awesome!! I can't wait for summer...and even more, I can't wait to graduate. There's a lot of exciting things coming in my life. The flower by the way is one of the flowers me and thunda Kat planted a couple of years ago. It's one thing I miss most about living at home was the land and space we had. We grew tomatoes, and green onions, and cat nip, but only the sunflowers, and tomatoes made it, but we were so happy for even that. It was my first garden. I remember when he bought me the seeds, and the tomatoe plant. It was summer break, and I was home sick from work with strep throat, and he surprised me with everything. I got up and helped as much as I could with planting everything. I was so excited. I can't wait for more exciting times like that!!!!
Well, that's all I can purge from this overworked brain for now!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


So...I had an amazing Valentines weekend!! I dressed really cute, and me my man chilled at home. I cooked an awesome candle lit dinner, followed by a romantic tea drinking session. I made oragami hearts with little notes in them (yeah, I'm proud of myself!) and decorated the table with them. He got a homemade card...I know, I'm such a doll! Then we played Mario Kart on the Wii, which was nice, it's one of our favorite games, but we never get to play much anymore. Then we read "The Tales of Beedle The Bard", which is another thing we don't do often, we used to always read books together, and outloud, it's so fun, that's how we read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". We also watched Friday the 13th because I needed to catch up before watching the new one. It's been since I was a kid the last time I'd seen the original.
That was yesterday. It was great, I've been working my butt off at work this whole week, and it was worth it because I got both Saturday and Sunday off. My boyfriend (thunda Kat) he made me this awesome heart necklace, and he bought me some MC Chris shwag...awesome! The greatest part was just hanging out with my dude. He took me to see the new Friday the 13th movie, and it was pretty good. It's still strange how they incorporated three movies into one, but it was pretty good. Oh, and I cooked an awesome breakfast...
Now that I've had this awesome weekend, I don't want the week to start. I love getting to spend time with Thunda. Now that I'm working , that seems to be all that I do, and we don't get to spend quality time together. He graduates a semester earlier than me, and he'll hopefully have a good job lined up, but we'll be apart for a couple of months. I know that's not long for some people, but in five years, the longest we've been apart has been less than a week. We're best friends, and I don't know what I'm going to do without him. But, I know that it's what we have to do, he has to take any oppurtunity he can get with the way the economy is, he can't wait. I'm so happy for him though, I know he'll do great in anything he wants to do, and I hope he gets something that makes him happy.
So, in a nut shell, I'm glad I got to spend time with him , it was well desearved. So, to my pookie...I love you and thanks for making our 5th Valentines Day wonderful. It had to of been the best so far. Let's continue to have great days, and great weekends like we had today and this weekend. I love you!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Manic Monday

Mmmm...So, past couple of days have been crazy, I've done nothing but work so I am w-o-r-n o-u-t, Worn Out! Work is so boring though, it's so crazy busy, that you can't do anything! So we just walk around, try to straighten up stuff, but as soon as you turn around, BAM! customers swarm in like a cyclone and rip it to shreds. I think they get off on it too, because they will watch you cleaning, then follow you, and as you leave a nice straightened rack...BAM!...they mess it up. So what do I do? I ignore them and daydream. So, I think it would be really cool if they came out with a movie about retail kind of like the movie Waiting, except it would be a clothing store...and not a resturaunt...It would be AMAZING! I could totally act in the movie too...I've got retail experience, so I can act out senerios, I'll just bring back these good ol' memories... So I get Saturday off...I'm going to sleep...and sleep...and...oh yeah, sleep. MC Chris is selling a bunch of cool stuff still. I wish I had money I'd buy some more of his stuff, because he needs to eat! And he's so darn cute! Thunda cat gave me some of my gifts for V-Day early...some MC stuff, we're so upsessed with him! He's just so awesome though, I feel like we're already friends.:) well, that's all my brain can reproduce for you guys...Manic Mondays...gotta love to hate them! (Fin)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Take a Hike, and Don't Forget the Trail Mix!!! has been great. Have you ever had one of those days, that everything you think about excites you, and you just feel like a kid waiting for Christmas...well, I find myself feeling that way about everything I've thought about and looked at, or listened to...yeah, I don't know why, but it's a great feeling being excited about life. Maybe it's because the sun has come back, I'm getting my vitamin D(ez)...sorry, I thought it would be funny to call vitamin D vitamin Dez... I did palates the other night, and I am so sore! I used to do palates every night, and I used to walk I was so healthy!!! Now I'm in this slump, but I think with all this vitamin Dez, I'm going to start feeling better. I normally love to work out. It's so good for your body, you have a lot of energy, and it's good for your mind and soul, I tell ya! I always feel at ease after I've had a good work out. I put in my ear buds, turn up the jams, and I just walk until my little hearts content(well, unless I'm at the wellness center, then that ends after 30 minutes...gotta share now!) Me and Thunda haven't been going to the gym. With all the snow, and the freezing temperatures, the past two weeks have been so crazy! My whole schedule has been out of wack man, but I think this weekend will get us back on track...hopefully...
So...some things I got excited about...

The sun is out, and it's 54 degrees

I seen a picture of the Eifel Tower, and thought "how amazing it'll be when I finally get to go to Europe

Not one song on my Pandora is getting on my nerves (sometimes pandora will play all the wrongs songs...and won't get the hint!) It's playing a good variety, instead of just one genera, which is awesome!
I ate some chili for lunch, and it was so good!!! I wolfed it down man...mmm...

I have it set up on my facebook to show pictures from my picasa, so I'm excited about putting more albums on there for my friends to look at. this is so awesome because facebook takes forever to load pictures, and I make albums, or seperate pictures into albums as soon as I load them from the camera, so I feel it's a bit know!
I want to design today...I've been seeing a lot of interesting graphic designs, and I keep getting all i need to do is get them on paper!

Me and Thunda Kat are making trail mix...we're on this big MC Chris kick, and one of my favorite illustrations by him is where he's got a hiker smaking his forehead and in a thought bubble has a bag of trail mix (coming from one of his lyrics from "Hijack")so we've been saying that all day...and it made us want trail mix...amazing!
oh, and we're eating pizza!!! Pizza on Fridays are amazing, who wouldn't get excited about that!
Anywho...I don't know what else has been making me excited, but the excitement keeps coming double dose!

Anywho(again?)...I told yous guys the blog today would be better!!! Hope you enjoyed...


Thursday, February 5, 2009

blah blah blah...and stuff

It's been another weird week. We had a snow day, which was amazing, I did absolutely nothing!!! But, I prolly should have been working on my school work, but I didn't. I've still been a bit stressed lately, but the thing that stresses me out the most I think, is the fear I won't have the time to do everything. I always feel like everything has to be planned out in advanced, but with work and school, nothing is set in stone. I should be looking at this semester as something exciting. I have money, which I never have, I'm doing some awesome stuff in my classes, and I'm going on some pretty awesome trips to see different art museums and such. I think my brain is so fogged with thoughts of what I'm going to do when I get out of collage, I'm having a hard time consentrating on the now. I guess I'm so wrapped up in preparing my self financially, so I'm not poor and...stuff...anyways....MC Chris has the most awesome VLogs ever!!!(Video Bloggs) I just watched his latest one, and it's red Thursday....everyone should watch it, and everyone should spend money on him. Any who...I'm tired...I think that's all for tonight...sorry....It'll be better tommorow... (Fin)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Endings, Hello Happy Begginings

My sis got married this weekend. It was really fun. It was a very intimate wedding, and I really enjoyed it. We had a lot of stress building to Saturday, but I have to say, I am really happy she went through with it. I love her so much, and wish her and her hubby the best... on to the funny stuff...
(dream sequence)

My sis found this chapel, and it had a descent website (better than some of the other ones, let me tell ya') and it was a good price, and a beautiful set up. They had pictures of the outside and they had a beautiful alter, fountain...the whole shabang! So, we get up, get ready, we leave. We get there, and it's someones house, and he didn't even try clearing the driveway from the wicked ice storm we had earlier in the week, so we step out onto the ice skating rink(and I had on my pumps, and this guy opens the door and proceeds to tell us, the chapel is down the stairs around the house...but this is what he really meant..."go down the icy path(imagine an old croons voice), then you will get to a fork in the road where the monster lives, fight him and only if you survive will you continue on to the next level...yeah, that's how it went down, we braved ourselves (me in my PUMPS) down the icy steps, marveled at the outside alter, and fountain/pond thing, then stepped into the...basement. It was a den, with a pin pong/pool table, and bar (not stocked btw). So, my sis was feeling a bit weary, and a bit pissed because she asked numerous times for pictures of this "chapel", oh and I forgot to tell you that he (the reverend) was already down stairs when we got apparently could go through the house, but we had take the path less traveled.(he was the monster at the end of the path :)) So, he gives us (the ladies) a room, and the groom got a bathroom. The room we were in was one of his offices, and it had some pretty interesting things...I took pictures. He had many certificates (I asked my sis after we seen the place if she wasn't sure he got certified off the Internet...) but he was really certified it seemed. He was apparently a little of everything; Jewish, catholic, he was a psychologist, and probably a lot of other stuff. He had this awesome book called "How to be a Jewish Mother" and apparently they are trained in giving guilt. there is a right and a wrong way of doing it. He also had this amazing painting, which I also thought was weird considering he was all "Holy" but hey, I guess that doesn't mean he's not cultured.
So, we got ready, and her father gave her away. She dropped the ring after I joked about me not being a capable of being a good Maid of honor because I'm good at dropping stuff...Hilarious! It was amazing! And the priest/reverend/priest/rabbi forgot the words and the end (you know...the whole "you may now kiss the bride" part).I know it's not how a lot of people would do a wedding, but, it was so my sister. She was beautiful...Of course I was her stylist. We had a good time. The preacher/priest/reverend/Rabbi told us to "go party, and to "remember Jesus loves parties"...yeah, that was weird.
...We went out to eat, and "Mom" gave sis some lingerie (oooh...) without the bottoms because she said she didn't need them (yeah, she's great) then gave the new hubby some bikini like underwear...hilarious still. In all, for a wedding that was planned in two weeks, I think it went great. I am so happy for my sis, and I know their marriage will be awesome! Yay happy endings!!! Hello happy beginnings!!!