Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Dizzy Dez show

I know it's been a while since I last wrote, so there's a lot going on, and I've decided to write this blog MC Chris style, and just list all the things going on, or that I've been thinking on so we go
1. My boyfriend is out of town this weekend visiting his family. His grandpa went into the hospital the other day, he hurt his back and couldn't move, and wouldn't eat. He said he's feeling better, and looks better than he expected, so that's really good. Hopefully he'll get better, and we learn he can't go out and do yard work like he used to(that's how he hurt his back)! He just needs to let one of his young wipper snapper grandsons to help him. I know, I know, there's nothing wrong with an old man wanting to do things by himself, and not wanting to be babied, but he's 90... I think it's time to settle down!

2. I really miss my boy. He's my best friend that I have around 24/7. You can't beat that. I still have my Miss Kitty, she will always be my best friend, but she's married! She did come over and spend a while with me, which was awesome, we don't get to spend much time together, because I'm so dagon busy, then we both worked. It's been awful, but anyways, I miss Thunda's presence. I like to have my alone time, but it's wierd when you just know that no one is giong to walk through that door any time soon. Then the bed...we've been living together for going on 2 years now, and before that, we stayed together just about every night anyways, so it's hard to imagine sleeping without his warmth next to me. So, if anyone wants to volunteer to cover for him while he's gone, feel free to let me know!

3. My cat (the stoopid one) he wants the milk in my cereal even though it is obvious it's not "real" milk...he might like it's vanilla! :P

4. I have so much crap to do, and I do not have the motivation to do it. I know it has to be the weather, I've got a clouded brain from the rain, and I'm all depressed and crap, that I can't focus! I just want to curl up in a ball and do nothing but sulk. My cats won't allow that though...they have to be comfertable when sulking...not me...
5. I've been reading Watchmen. I have to tell you, it is damn good! I barrowed the graphic novel from DQ, and I've also been watching the animated version online with my man. It's pretty good. I can't wait to see the movie, but then again I can, I'm always afraid that the movie is going to suck because I expect it to be just like the book, or in this case the graphic novel.

6. I'm still working on that damned Twilight book...I picked up another book to start when I finish Breaking Dawn, but the chapters are so long!!! This woman is so long winded, and she tries to make things suspensful, but I just get annoyed. My next book is A lion Amongst men...i know, I told Thunda that I would finish this other book I started (I've been working on two, but one I have to get from the library, and they only have one of...Monsters of Templeton btw...)then I would read WWZ, the book about the stories of the zombie appocalypse...I started to read it, and it's good, but I had to stop so I could finish reading all these other books I have going one! I can hardly keep up with life, so why the hell am I trying to read three books! I don't know, it's madness!

well, I don't have much else to say's late, and I do have to get up, sorry...that's all you get for now!!! (stay tuned for next weeks episode)


  1. I know you miss your Thunda Kat! I'm so sorry about that my dear! But if I happen to find someone willing to be a weekend fill in, I will put a bow and bell around his neck and send him your way. And who knows, now that we don't work every night and day maybe we'll be able to have some girls only time! We'll make a date of it :D (No stinky boys allowed!)

  2. I would offer to fill in, but I am in Prestonsburg, and I might be getting a job as a wal-mart greeter!
