Sunday, February 15, 2009


So...I had an amazing Valentines weekend!! I dressed really cute, and me my man chilled at home. I cooked an awesome candle lit dinner, followed by a romantic tea drinking session. I made oragami hearts with little notes in them (yeah, I'm proud of myself!) and decorated the table with them. He got a homemade card...I know, I'm such a doll! Then we played Mario Kart on the Wii, which was nice, it's one of our favorite games, but we never get to play much anymore. Then we read "The Tales of Beedle The Bard", which is another thing we don't do often, we used to always read books together, and outloud, it's so fun, that's how we read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". We also watched Friday the 13th because I needed to catch up before watching the new one. It's been since I was a kid the last time I'd seen the original.
That was yesterday. It was great, I've been working my butt off at work this whole week, and it was worth it because I got both Saturday and Sunday off. My boyfriend (thunda Kat) he made me this awesome heart necklace, and he bought me some MC Chris shwag...awesome! The greatest part was just hanging out with my dude. He took me to see the new Friday the 13th movie, and it was pretty good. It's still strange how they incorporated three movies into one, but it was pretty good. Oh, and I cooked an awesome breakfast...
Now that I've had this awesome weekend, I don't want the week to start. I love getting to spend time with Thunda. Now that I'm working , that seems to be all that I do, and we don't get to spend quality time together. He graduates a semester earlier than me, and he'll hopefully have a good job lined up, but we'll be apart for a couple of months. I know that's not long for some people, but in five years, the longest we've been apart has been less than a week. We're best friends, and I don't know what I'm going to do without him. But, I know that it's what we have to do, he has to take any oppurtunity he can get with the way the economy is, he can't wait. I'm so happy for him though, I know he'll do great in anything he wants to do, and I hope he gets something that makes him happy.
So, in a nut shell, I'm glad I got to spend time with him , it was well desearved. So, to my pookie...I love you and thanks for making our 5th Valentines Day wonderful. It had to of been the best so far. Let's continue to have great days, and great weekends like we had today and this weekend. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. You know...if I didn't know better I would think that you were in love with Thunda! :D

    The hearts turned out great btw and I'm so glad you guys' Valentine's Day turned out so good!
