Friday, February 6, 2009

Take a Hike, and Don't Forget the Trail Mix!!! has been great. Have you ever had one of those days, that everything you think about excites you, and you just feel like a kid waiting for Christmas...well, I find myself feeling that way about everything I've thought about and looked at, or listened to...yeah, I don't know why, but it's a great feeling being excited about life. Maybe it's because the sun has come back, I'm getting my vitamin D(ez)...sorry, I thought it would be funny to call vitamin D vitamin Dez... I did palates the other night, and I am so sore! I used to do palates every night, and I used to walk I was so healthy!!! Now I'm in this slump, but I think with all this vitamin Dez, I'm going to start feeling better. I normally love to work out. It's so good for your body, you have a lot of energy, and it's good for your mind and soul, I tell ya! I always feel at ease after I've had a good work out. I put in my ear buds, turn up the jams, and I just walk until my little hearts content(well, unless I'm at the wellness center, then that ends after 30 minutes...gotta share now!) Me and Thunda haven't been going to the gym. With all the snow, and the freezing temperatures, the past two weeks have been so crazy! My whole schedule has been out of wack man, but I think this weekend will get us back on track...hopefully...
So...some things I got excited about...

The sun is out, and it's 54 degrees

I seen a picture of the Eifel Tower, and thought "how amazing it'll be when I finally get to go to Europe

Not one song on my Pandora is getting on my nerves (sometimes pandora will play all the wrongs songs...and won't get the hint!) It's playing a good variety, instead of just one genera, which is awesome!
I ate some chili for lunch, and it was so good!!! I wolfed it down man...mmm...

I have it set up on my facebook to show pictures from my picasa, so I'm excited about putting more albums on there for my friends to look at. this is so awesome because facebook takes forever to load pictures, and I make albums, or seperate pictures into albums as soon as I load them from the camera, so I feel it's a bit know!
I want to design today...I've been seeing a lot of interesting graphic designs, and I keep getting all i need to do is get them on paper!

Me and Thunda Kat are making trail mix...we're on this big MC Chris kick, and one of my favorite illustrations by him is where he's got a hiker smaking his forehead and in a thought bubble has a bag of trail mix (coming from one of his lyrics from "Hijack")so we've been saying that all day...and it made us want trail mix...amazing!
oh, and we're eating pizza!!! Pizza on Fridays are amazing, who wouldn't get excited about that!
Anywho...I don't know what else has been making me excited, but the excitement keeps coming double dose!

Anywho(again?)...I told yous guys the blog today would be better!!! Hope you enjoyed...


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