Friday, February 20, 2009

Exciting Times Ahead

Well, Goody's will be closing next Wed. Like usual, they didn't tell us anything until the last moment. Isn't it wonderful. At first I was really angry, but now I'm just like "whatever". I don't care, and at this point what does it matter. I'm going to make myself not worry about not having a job and look at the positive side of things like, I'm going to have time to devote to my art. I'm going into the business of selling my ceramics, and now I'll have the time to produce more work, and to make them more creative. I'll also have time to devote to myself, which I don't get a lot. I just don't get time to my self at all. The drive to and from work is the only time I'm alone to think, and normally I'm too busy nagging at the stupid drivers. I love hanging out with my thunda Kat (before he starts getting all huffy about me wanting my alone time) I just like to have some time to myself sometimes. I do my best thinking, and cleaning, and I do my best relaxing sometimes when I'm all by my self...(now that song will be stuck in my head....yay) So, yeah, I'm trying to be positive, that job wasn't the greatest job anyways. It didn't pay good, and the company demanded so much out of one person, I'm kind of glad to be getting the chance to look for new opportunities.

So, it seems like spring is fighting the good fight, it snowed like crazy the other day.(ugh...)but now it's starting to warm up, and the sun has been has been awesome!! I can't wait for summer...and even more, I can't wait to graduate. There's a lot of exciting things coming in my life. The flower by the way is one of the flowers me and thunda Kat planted a couple of years ago. It's one thing I miss most about living at home was the land and space we had. We grew tomatoes, and green onions, and cat nip, but only the sunflowers, and tomatoes made it, but we were so happy for even that. It was my first garden. I remember when he bought me the seeds, and the tomatoe plant. It was summer break, and I was home sick from work with strep throat, and he surprised me with everything. I got up and helped as much as I could with planting everything. I was so excited. I can't wait for more exciting times like that!!!!
Well, that's all I can purge from this overworked brain for now!


  1. the flower is purdy! I want to plant some things, but it looks as though chris and I might possibly be getting a house or looking for one within six months, so no point. But enjoy your job free time (when it comes) because if you are anything like me you will go stir crazy!

  2. I think your Sunflower came out beautiful! And who knows, maybe when y'all get your own place you'll be able to transplant some of your garden to your new home! :D

  3. A new house!!! How exciting! You absolutely have to plant some flowers, it's so rewarding.
