Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Endings, Hello Happy Begginings

My sis got married this weekend. It was really fun. It was a very intimate wedding, and I really enjoyed it. We had a lot of stress building to Saturday, but I have to say, I am really happy she went through with it. I love her so much, and wish her and her hubby the best... on to the funny stuff...
(dream sequence)

My sis found this chapel, and it had a descent website (better than some of the other ones, let me tell ya') and it was a good price, and a beautiful set up. They had pictures of the outside and they had a beautiful alter, fountain...the whole shabang! So, we get up, get ready, we leave. We get there, and it's someones house, and he didn't even try clearing the driveway from the wicked ice storm we had earlier in the week, so we step out onto the ice skating rink(and I had on my pumps, and this guy opens the door and proceeds to tell us, the chapel is down the stairs around the house...but this is what he really meant..."go down the icy path(imagine an old croons voice), then you will get to a fork in the road where the monster lives, fight him and only if you survive will you continue on to the next level...yeah, that's how it went down, we braved ourselves (me in my PUMPS) down the icy steps, marveled at the outside alter, and fountain/pond thing, then stepped into the...basement. It was a den, with a pin pong/pool table, and bar (not stocked btw). So, my sis was feeling a bit weary, and a bit pissed because she asked numerous times for pictures of this "chapel", oh and I forgot to tell you that he (the reverend) was already down stairs when we got apparently could go through the house, but we had take the path less traveled.(he was the monster at the end of the path :)) So, he gives us (the ladies) a room, and the groom got a bathroom. The room we were in was one of his offices, and it had some pretty interesting things...I took pictures. He had many certificates (I asked my sis after we seen the place if she wasn't sure he got certified off the Internet...) but he was really certified it seemed. He was apparently a little of everything; Jewish, catholic, he was a psychologist, and probably a lot of other stuff. He had this awesome book called "How to be a Jewish Mother" and apparently they are trained in giving guilt. there is a right and a wrong way of doing it. He also had this amazing painting, which I also thought was weird considering he was all "Holy" but hey, I guess that doesn't mean he's not cultured.
So, we got ready, and her father gave her away. She dropped the ring after I joked about me not being a capable of being a good Maid of honor because I'm good at dropping stuff...Hilarious! It was amazing! And the priest/reverend/priest/rabbi forgot the words and the end (you know...the whole "you may now kiss the bride" part).I know it's not how a lot of people would do a wedding, but, it was so my sister. She was beautiful...Of course I was her stylist. We had a good time. The preacher/priest/reverend/Rabbi told us to "go party, and to "remember Jesus loves parties"...yeah, that was weird.
...We went out to eat, and "Mom" gave sis some lingerie (oooh...) without the bottoms because she said she didn't need them (yeah, she's great) then gave the new hubby some bikini like underwear...hilarious still. In all, for a wedding that was planned in two weeks, I think it went great. I am so happy for my sis, and I know their marriage will be awesome! Yay happy endings!!! Hello happy beginnings!!!


  1. Lol I love how you managed to sum up everything so perfectly and hilariously! I had actually forgotten about the "Jesus likes parties" part! Too awesome, thanks for hanging in there with me through it all! It did turn out pretty good for being pulled out of no where! Lol and you looked amazing, totally amazing in those pumps! Strut it girl! lol I love ya!

  2. Gosh you guys! I need some pictures!!! Please! I am so out of the loop. Dezzy, my nickname should be Loopy! Pictures! Please???
