Thursday, January 29, 2009

So long and thanks for all the fish

Winter is still going strong. All week has been crazy with classes being canceled, and work being closed early because of the weather being so bad, but I've got to say, I am damn lucky.My boyfriend's (thunda Kat) parents had no electric or water this week from the crazy blizard. They of course are very intelligent people and had the means to survive. Now, I'm sure there was a time that they went through something like this and weren't prepared, but it got me and Thunda thinking, if that was us, we would be freakin' out man! We've got nothin'. Not even a flash light. We've got candles, but we've taken out the wicks since we use the pretty scented candles on a candle warmer...that's not going to produce anything...not even smell good, because you have to plug that thing in! Imagine if this was the zombie Apocalypse...OMG, we'd be the first dead...well, maybe not, we do have that machete...anyways, the point is, we're sitting dumb fat and happy when we need to be prepared!!!
So, we're going to start keeping that stuff around the house, but I'm already paranoid that we're going to wake up with no electric or something...HOW WILL I BLOG!!! MADNESS!!!
I started to continue on the Twilight book. It's pretty good, but some of it feels a bit forced...almost too predictable. I don't know, it's still good, but after the first and second book she wrote, I think the series lacks in comparison. I still don't know what team I play for...the sexy "perfect man" vampire, or the sexy, likes to fight back, probably be hot in bed (lol because his temperature is always high...yeah whatever) Indian wolf...hmmm...In this book, I'd have to say Jacob, because he's not being such a big baby about the situation, he's being strong, whereas Edward is all whiny, and the mind reading thing is annoying, do we have to refer to it every other sentence! I guess I'm biased though because me and my sis love Indian (in the native American sense) men, and have always oggled over them, and talked about how we wanted "one of them, mama can I have one please!!!" We even had this calender, I don't know where she got it, full of Indian men without shirts, being all sexy! I think I still have a picture from it...hmmm...memories...I'm sure she's going to get a kick out of me telling all her secrets, especially right before she gets married.LoL.
Time seems to be going by fast for me today...why is that! I just want this day to last forever. Tomorrow I have to work, which it won't be bad, but I haven't had to work all week, so I've been a bit spoiled. I guess it's time to start back on that crazy schedule. It's been nice cabin fever, but, I think I'm ready to say so long to you! I don't like the snow, although the mountains look beautiful all covered in white...I just don't want it around anymore. So, I say Snow...Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more...
Yeah, I talk about the most random crap in my blogs. During the day, I think of all these awesome philosophical things to talk about, but, my brain is fried, and I forget. But, DQ gave me the idea of carrying around a little notebook so I can jot down my ideas, or even write out the blog, then come back and type it up. So, you may be reading some more coherent things here soon...but then again, there is nothing coherent about my thinking, so rewind that, strike might be reading some more interesting stuff here in the future...
So long and Thanks for all the fish


  1. Oooo....and they were some hot sexy half naked Native Americans!! If I see one somewhere, I still may just have to kidnap him and take him home!!

  2. I used to have all these crazy-deep ideas for blogs, and something would end up happening and I would forget, or just not be able to blog. Anyways, I know I have been pestering you about the whole nickname thing, but I really think it's cool!
