Saturday, January 17, 2009

Adventures in Decorating

Well, as you may know, I've had a crazy week, that actually hasn't been the greatest. Well, today made up for all of that madness, which I'm glad, because I really want these bloggs to be funny and uplifting, which maybe if someone reads these they may feel uplifted in the sense that they are glad someone else shares their sarrows. Well anyways, I decided today that I wanted to decorate my apartment. I got to go into our neighbors apartment, and it looked like something out of a magazine! So, I'm thinking, I have the tools, and I'm creative, I can jazz up this place,. So me and my boyfriend got on those internets, and started by looking for some ideas for our walls. We really need some good art work (that's not my own) to put up, and I'm a big fan of Georges Suerat. I love pointalism, I've done my own paintings in pointalism, and he's just awesome. So we're looking, and I'm thinking, I wish we could just go to a Michaels, you know they always have good poster reprints of good art, so my boyfriend says why don't we. See, we go to a collage that doesn't have much. We have Wal-mart...and that's about as exciting as it gets. I am proud to say that we are not from here, and that we are from the city! Any how, we got up, got ready, and made our way to big city Lexington. And let me tell you, it was awesome! We didn't have a lot of money to spend, but it was nice to look around, and just spend some quality time together. He paid for gas, and I paid for dinner at our favorite resturaunt Qdoba's. Then we came home and ate ice cream.
So, we didn't get to be decorators today, but while we were at Michaels though we didn't see any posters worth buying and framing, I did get a few small canvases. I'm going to paint something cool to put on our walls(I love to paint). Tomarrow we are going to continue our adventure in decorating though, and I am so excited about it because we thought of a lot of good ideas on the way to and fro. I was telling my boyfriend on the way back from Lexington, that life is so exciting when you have the motivation to do things, and the ideas are flowing freely. It's awesome, and let me tell you, I'm really lucky to have such an awesome boyfriend to share all this excitement with. I couldn't imagine life without him. He's funny, he has awesome ideas, awesome interests...he's just great! And to top off a great day, I found out that I don't have to work tomarrow...
( be continued)

1 comment:

  1. Well, good luck with your decorations. I now that you are a very artistic person, and so that will help. You know what you like, and that is a big part of it. Although I would LOVE a Dezzy original on my wall!
