Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day

Well well well...(hah! didn't start with "so") Borack Obama is now the president. I'd have to say I'm pretty happy. I hope he turns this economy around, and that we all come together as a nation and succeed together. It'll be great! I'm really glad I've had the prevalage to be alive during such a historical event. It's really cool. Then again...I guess it was historical when Bush was elected too, you know with the whole Florida recount mess...hmmm...oh well, that's over with now! YAY!
Anyhow, for now life is still crazy. I'm still adjusting to working and taking classes at the same time. Me and my boyfriend have been trying to go to the gym in the mornings, and for a week we did great, but lately I've been too worn out to do anything! We're tying for tomorrow, so I guess you'll know if we didn't go. Another thing that has been holding us back has been the snow. We have had snow out the butt! I can't believe it. Today it snowed all day, but it didn't stick, it melted, so that's not good, because during the night it freezes! I just really can't wait for summer. I miss the sun so hard core. I'm having withdraws. Oh, and my cat (the stoopid one) he's decided that he wants to be an outdoor cat, and everytime he hears the door, he bolts outside, then he just stands under one of our cars. well, he decided to try something new today. My friend was over, and I got a package, so he of course ran out the door. So my friend decided to help me out and get him for me, well, that's when stoopid pulled his new trick, he jumped up into the truck, where, I'm not quite sure, but all I could hear from my friend was muffled cursing and "how did you get there?" or "God blessed cat come here!" ooh and my favorite "you little hellspawn". I am forever greatful to him. I called him Mr. Incredible, and was talking to him like the little old lady from the movie. So, to my "Mr Incredible" thank you so much for your service. You are greatly appreciated, but please don't start running around in spandex, or with your underwear over your pants...
Well, I've been telling everyone I was going to give them code names for my bloggs. As you can tell I don't give names, because I just don't want some weirdo knowing all my friend's names alright! So...names:
My boyfriend: thunda cat
My sister: Miss Kitty
My sister's fiance/my friend/soon to be brother-in-law: DQ(blizzard)
Me: Eileen Kingswood( I know, that it's pimp!)

And there you have it. I hope everyone is enjoying my "bloggs", because I'm really enjoying writing them. I'm still trying to get comfertable in putting all my feelings out there in the open, so you might notice me loosen up a bit the more I write. Well, hope everyone survives the snow...


  1. Lol I totally love the names!! Hee-hee-hee you're so funny and you know for snowing out the butt today, it was awfully pretty!! lol but then again I wasn't walking out in it so I should just keep my mouth shut huh? lol

  2. But... But... Don't I get a nickname?? I read and respond to your blog all the time!!! I wanna nickname! Waaaa!! teehee... I know you love me anyway!

  3. Also, I know I am commenting AGAIN, but do I know who these people are? I think I might... I mean, I know your boyfriend... I, of course, will never call him what you do!!!

  4. I will give you a nickname, I just didn't think since you have your name on your blog, I just thought I'd call you Crys, but...hmmm...I think I'll call you...hmmm...well, I have to think about it, but you do know these people, two of them are getting married this saturday...and sometimes your refer to them as mom and dad. I just didn't want to put there names in the blog in case someone read it, and they didn't want their name all over my blogs.
