Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So, things are a little stressful for me right now, which you can probably tell by the posts I have been writing...that's a joke, because I haven't written any...for those at home following along. I have school, then work, and my best friends wedding to get ready for, then on top of that, bad weather. So, I'm about crazed right now. Today was nice though, we had a snow day...yes I said it snow day!!! In the four years I've been going to this University, we've never had one, and it was awesome. Poor Thunda Kat, he shoveled the hill our apartment complex is on. He made DQ help, then eventually some of the other guys in the complex came out to help. They did an awesome job, but he was so tired, he didn't really get anything done other than that.
Any how, I'm surviving, but my health is not benefiting from all of this. I've been a little sick to my stomach a lot this week, which sucks, but you know what, next week, all the snow will be gone, my sis will be finished getting married, and I'll probably have a light schedule at work since I had such a hectic one this week. So now all I have to do is survive this week!!! Oh no...
On a happier note, I got my house clean because I thought I was serving hot chocolate to the snow plows, but then someone elses girlfriend beat me to it (what...I had to clean my living room so they could come in and get warm. That bitch didn't even let them in, she brought it to them, and I heard it was watery...yes I am bitter) I did have two loyal fans come in and try mine, and they said it was much better...I hope they didn't lie to me, because I KNOW KARATE! I also got my sis' garter finished, it looks funny to me, but then again, I am my worste critique.
Now, I am procrastinating on working on a paper, where I do get to be a critique and I get to talk about someone elses work. I wouldn't mind it so much, but I have to make a copy for everyone in my class to read...I hate that crap! But, I guess as an artist, I need to get used to displaying my ideas, and work, I just hate the attention.
Well...I used everyone's new nicknames...like em'???? I started this blog with "So" again...oh well, I think I like it. I'm off to write an amazing critique!!!

1 comment:

  1. I still don't have a nickname, but then again, I am never around you to inspire one! But I do bet that your hot chocolate is awesome!
