Friday, January 16, 2009

Can I have some of your cabin fever?

Well, today MC Chris posted a blog about how he was surviving cabin fever (which by the way, I think he's doing pretty good) well, today, I had no time for cabin fever.  First thing this morning our pipes froze...AGAIN! Yeah, that's right, that last time it got below zero, our pipes froze, and busted.  See, where we live in apartments, if everyone doesn't chip in by dripping the fossets, we all pay for it.  well, our maintanance guy was supposed to insolate the pipes, but what he did was wrapped the pipes only in the place it buste, and put insolation only in those areas(band-aid solution), obviously leaving room for other parts of the pipes to freeze, and possibly burst again.  
We found out that the pipes were frozen when I got up to get ready for work...I called everyone, and the only person I could get ahold of was the maintanace mans wife, who is a certified space cadet.  She just talked about useless crap, didn't seem to understand how much we didn't want our apartment flooded, again, so I hung up on her.  Finally we got ahold of the landlord, and the apartment manager (his mother-in-law), and he got ahold of the maintanance dude to turn off the water.  Me and My boyfriend had to take showers at the apartment managers house, which was wierd because it's set up for disabled old people, so there was a seat in the shower, like the ones that's at the pool.  It was just a strange and fustrating morning.  Now we finally have water.  hopefully tonight everyone will leave a drip, but if they don't...oh they don't want to know.

So, during all of this me and my boyfriend had classes, I got a short break, in which I played a little guitar hero to blow some steem, then I was scheduled to work at Goody's at 3p, and I got out of class at 2:50...So, I had to pick up a crappy meal at McDonald's (they gave me a rancid tomato) and go straight to work until 10p.  So it's been a long, long, long day.  And work sucked, because I work in the men's department, which I absolutely love, men are great, they hate to shop, therefore they don't hang around.  What I don't love is the fact there's only three people that work in the department. period.  and one of them doesn't do anything when she works, and just so happens she worked yesterday...and the department was an abomanation!  I have a lot of tables that normally have folded shirts or jeans on them, but today, they were tables with piles of clothes, nothing was folded.  So, by the end of the night, it didn't look like I got anything done, and my department looked like crap, which for anyone that works retail knows how much that sucks, and I think about it a lot, because what I don't get done, gets left for someone else tomarrow, and I hate that more than anything.  I feel that your shift is only as good as the person that worked before you makes it.  Meaning, if they left you a heaping pile of crap to clean up, it makes your  shift harder because you have to do your work, and thier work.  Good ol' Dominoe effect.  Anyhow, so I can't help to think how bad I feel for the guy that has to work tomarrow, because I left him with stuff to do.  Life goes on I guess.  

Now I'm home, I've finally winded down, and I'm glad today is over!  

I welcome the cabin long as I have running hot water...and video games.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear! I know I just got done emailing you, but hey! I had to read !(even though it's so late that I typed dear instead of read, laugh, please, I need to know you laughed. lol, see i did!). Laughing is good when pipes freeze. Helps ease the tension. Could be worse, dear (I meant that). But, since it brings my ever closer to one of my favorite people, I am going to become an avid reader of this particular blog! So write on!
