Monday, January 12, 2009

That's Life

So, I'm in my senior year of collage, I was supposed to graduate this semester, but, I changed my majors status from having a major and a minor to having just a concentration in Art. Oh well! I'm trying to make the best of it. Right now things are a little hectic for me though. I've been working for Goody's since the end of last semester, and now they're going out of business, so, it's crazy with mobs of customers, and a lot of people have quit, so the few of us still hanging on, are barely hanging on. On top of that, I've started a work study, and I'm trying to get that schedule worked out so it doesn't interfere with me getting the hours at Goody's, and I have a pretty demanding school schedule. I'd have to say I haven't stressed like this in a while. I think I stress the most because now that I've had this job for a while, I've been paying all the bills, and my boyfriend has actually gotten to take a break from doing all the supporting, and it feels great! I don't like to be dependent on someone else, but before I had this job, my boyfriend paid most all the bills, and I could only help when I got refund checks from school, which I would pay a few months, but that's still not as much as he's done. there's still groceries, and gas. Any how, I'll survive, but until Goody's closes, I hope I can find a better job, that pays more, so I can survive!
On the positive side: I'm alive and healthy, and me and my boyfriend are going on 5 years together...5 YEARS!!! We live in this awesome apartment, and I have two awesome cats, and I have a great family. I may be going through some tuff times, but that's life, and it'll get better.

So, there it is! My first entry on my new blog site! I'm learning HTML (my awesome boyfriend is teaching me) so my site will start looking awesome soon!!!

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