Thursday, January 29, 2009

So long and thanks for all the fish

Winter is still going strong. All week has been crazy with classes being canceled, and work being closed early because of the weather being so bad, but I've got to say, I am damn lucky.My boyfriend's (thunda Kat) parents had no electric or water this week from the crazy blizard. They of course are very intelligent people and had the means to survive. Now, I'm sure there was a time that they went through something like this and weren't prepared, but it got me and Thunda thinking, if that was us, we would be freakin' out man! We've got nothin'. Not even a flash light. We've got candles, but we've taken out the wicks since we use the pretty scented candles on a candle warmer...that's not going to produce anything...not even smell good, because you have to plug that thing in! Imagine if this was the zombie Apocalypse...OMG, we'd be the first dead...well, maybe not, we do have that machete...anyways, the point is, we're sitting dumb fat and happy when we need to be prepared!!!
So, we're going to start keeping that stuff around the house, but I'm already paranoid that we're going to wake up with no electric or something...HOW WILL I BLOG!!! MADNESS!!!
I started to continue on the Twilight book. It's pretty good, but some of it feels a bit forced...almost too predictable. I don't know, it's still good, but after the first and second book she wrote, I think the series lacks in comparison. I still don't know what team I play for...the sexy "perfect man" vampire, or the sexy, likes to fight back, probably be hot in bed (lol because his temperature is always high...yeah whatever) Indian wolf...hmmm...In this book, I'd have to say Jacob, because he's not being such a big baby about the situation, he's being strong, whereas Edward is all whiny, and the mind reading thing is annoying, do we have to refer to it every other sentence! I guess I'm biased though because me and my sis love Indian (in the native American sense) men, and have always oggled over them, and talked about how we wanted "one of them, mama can I have one please!!!" We even had this calender, I don't know where she got it, full of Indian men without shirts, being all sexy! I think I still have a picture from it...hmmm...memories...I'm sure she's going to get a kick out of me telling all her secrets, especially right before she gets married.LoL.
Time seems to be going by fast for me today...why is that! I just want this day to last forever. Tomorrow I have to work, which it won't be bad, but I haven't had to work all week, so I've been a bit spoiled. I guess it's time to start back on that crazy schedule. It's been nice cabin fever, but, I think I'm ready to say so long to you! I don't like the snow, although the mountains look beautiful all covered in white...I just don't want it around anymore. So, I say Snow...Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more...
Yeah, I talk about the most random crap in my blogs. During the day, I think of all these awesome philosophical things to talk about, but, my brain is fried, and I forget. But, DQ gave me the idea of carrying around a little notebook so I can jot down my ideas, or even write out the blog, then come back and type it up. So, you may be reading some more coherent things here soon...but then again, there is nothing coherent about my thinking, so rewind that, strike might be reading some more interesting stuff here in the future...
So long and Thanks for all the fish

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Finally Getting My Cabin Fever Bliss

So, today was another very snowy day! I didn't have to work because the snow and ice is so bad, which is awesome. I've spent the day with my man, and it's been fun. It was really nice, because we don't get much free time together to just shoot the breeze, and laugh, and Thunda Kat isn't very talkative most of the time, so normally we sit and watch T.V. which gets boring after a while.
I made these awesome cupcakes with strawberry icing, they are so good!
I played guitar hero, it's been a while, so I was a bit rusty, but still awesome!!! I love video games, but I never have the time to play. I can't wait for the day when I have a nice job that gives me weekends off, and evenings, and I can do my little hobbies like video games, and sewing, and reading!! Right now I'm in the middle of three books...Three books!!! I just can't find the time to read at all! When I do have the time, normally I convince my self to do something productive like homework, or house work, or sleep...mmm...sleep. Anyways, I just can't wait. Of course I will have more bills to pay, but oh will it be worth it!!
So, one book that I am balls deep into is "The Monsters of Templeton". At first I didn't like it too much, I thought it was a bit boring, but once you get into the pattern of the book, it is awesome! I stopped reading it, because the library wouldn't let me check it out anymore, so, I began the last book in the "Twilight" series. I know, I know, Twilight is getting so annoying, but honestly, the books are pretty good. Although the books are good, I can't bring myself to finish this last book, I don't know why, I just don't like it as much as the other ones. Anyhow, I'm also reading "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", and that book I haven't actually started to read yet, but it's one that I'm wanting to read when I have a few hours to knock out. My sis said it only took her about an hour to read it, but she's a power reader, fo sho!
I'm really glad I have gotten these couple of days off. First of all, I'd really hate to have to drive in this crap at night, and secondly, I really needed the time to just breathe! I was able to think, and to clear my foggy brain, and to do a bit of some stuff I enjoy, like blogging, and baking, and here in a minute, reading ( yeah, that Twilight book needs to be read). I surfed the net for useless crap, but it's been so awesome!!!
I'm thinking after I finish these books, I'm moving on to my comics. I have a stack that my friends have given me, and I think it'll be easier to read a chapter in a comic than it would in a book. Plus, our local comic book store shut down a couple of months ago, so I'm feeling a little out of touch. Thunda Kat really started something with me when he introduced me hard core into the world of comics...I crave them!!! (Need...Comics...[zombie]).
So...yeah...that's enough of my random blogging. I need to publish this thing so Thunda Kat stops reading over my shoulder!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So, things are a little stressful for me right now, which you can probably tell by the posts I have been writing...that's a joke, because I haven't written any...for those at home following along. I have school, then work, and my best friends wedding to get ready for, then on top of that, bad weather. So, I'm about crazed right now. Today was nice though, we had a snow day...yes I said it snow day!!! In the four years I've been going to this University, we've never had one, and it was awesome. Poor Thunda Kat, he shoveled the hill our apartment complex is on. He made DQ help, then eventually some of the other guys in the complex came out to help. They did an awesome job, but he was so tired, he didn't really get anything done other than that.
Any how, I'm surviving, but my health is not benefiting from all of this. I've been a little sick to my stomach a lot this week, which sucks, but you know what, next week, all the snow will be gone, my sis will be finished getting married, and I'll probably have a light schedule at work since I had such a hectic one this week. So now all I have to do is survive this week!!! Oh no...
On a happier note, I got my house clean because I thought I was serving hot chocolate to the snow plows, but then someone elses girlfriend beat me to it (what...I had to clean my living room so they could come in and get warm. That bitch didn't even let them in, she brought it to them, and I heard it was watery...yes I am bitter) I did have two loyal fans come in and try mine, and they said it was much better...I hope they didn't lie to me, because I KNOW KARATE! I also got my sis' garter finished, it looks funny to me, but then again, I am my worste critique.
Now, I am procrastinating on working on a paper, where I do get to be a critique and I get to talk about someone elses work. I wouldn't mind it so much, but I have to make a copy for everyone in my class to read...I hate that crap! But, I guess as an artist, I need to get used to displaying my ideas, and work, I just hate the attention.
Well...I used everyone's new em'???? I started this blog with "So" again...oh well, I think I like it. I'm off to write an amazing critique!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sleepy Sloth!

Not much has happened today. I went to class, then home for five minutes, then to work. Man, you know part time work is rough especially when you have late classes. I hope minimum wage will keep steadily rising. It's like getting a raise from the U.S. of A.
So, in the past week at the Goods, we have put up signs saying "Now Closing" and "everything must go" . There's even this giant banner outside that's like a mile long (yes miss Kitty, I've finally seen it...yeah, I don't know how I missed it either). The customers keep getting smarter and smarter every day too. Not only do we have this large banner, that can be easily missed btw, but we have hundreds of bright yellow and red signs claiming the going out sell. Well, I had this customer seriously ask me..."Are Yaw'll going out of business?!!!" I couldn't help but to stare at her for a hard minute, as the customer I was checking out starts to chuckle. I just said "yeah" even though she opened it up to so many smart ass remarks, that I am so good at handing out! It's amazing the brilliance.
I don't know what's going on this week, but I have been so tired! I haven't heard of anyone having the flu or anything, that was a couple of weeks ago when that epidemic was going around, but I did have a co-worker have a head cold, and more recent development she had fever.(from reliable sources) so I'm getting into my paranoid state. I hate sickness. I don't know any one that does like it, but I'm obsessed with preventing my self from getting sick. I know I'll be fine, but I'm always scared and stressed about it! I know, I'm a weirdo, but it's prolly not as wierd as some of the things you guys do!!! Anyhow, I took echinacea, and I'm going to bed early, so everyone better be prepared for a peppy, excited, feeling 100% Eileen Kingswood!!!(A.k.A Pookie, Dizzy Dez, Choc-o-late thunda)
Well, my stoopid kitty wants attention, and I can't help but to drop everything and give it to him, because though he may be special(Ed) I can't resist the cuteness...Didn't go to the gym by the way...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day

Well well well...(hah! didn't start with "so") Borack Obama is now the president. I'd have to say I'm pretty happy. I hope he turns this economy around, and that we all come together as a nation and succeed together. It'll be great! I'm really glad I've had the prevalage to be alive during such a historical event. It's really cool. Then again...I guess it was historical when Bush was elected too, you know with the whole Florida recount mess...hmmm...oh well, that's over with now! YAY!
Anyhow, for now life is still crazy. I'm still adjusting to working and taking classes at the same time. Me and my boyfriend have been trying to go to the gym in the mornings, and for a week we did great, but lately I've been too worn out to do anything! We're tying for tomorrow, so I guess you'll know if we didn't go. Another thing that has been holding us back has been the snow. We have had snow out the butt! I can't believe it. Today it snowed all day, but it didn't stick, it melted, so that's not good, because during the night it freezes! I just really can't wait for summer. I miss the sun so hard core. I'm having withdraws. Oh, and my cat (the stoopid one) he's decided that he wants to be an outdoor cat, and everytime he hears the door, he bolts outside, then he just stands under one of our cars. well, he decided to try something new today. My friend was over, and I got a package, so he of course ran out the door. So my friend decided to help me out and get him for me, well, that's when stoopid pulled his new trick, he jumped up into the truck, where, I'm not quite sure, but all I could hear from my friend was muffled cursing and "how did you get there?" or "God blessed cat come here!" ooh and my favorite "you little hellspawn". I am forever greatful to him. I called him Mr. Incredible, and was talking to him like the little old lady from the movie. So, to my "Mr Incredible" thank you so much for your service. You are greatly appreciated, but please don't start running around in spandex, or with your underwear over your pants...
Well, I've been telling everyone I was going to give them code names for my bloggs. As you can tell I don't give names, because I just don't want some weirdo knowing all my friend's names alright! So...names:
My boyfriend: thunda cat
My sister: Miss Kitty
My sister's fiance/my friend/soon to be brother-in-law: DQ(blizzard)
Me: Eileen Kingswood( I know, that it's pimp!)

And there you have it. I hope everyone is enjoying my "bloggs", because I'm really enjoying writing them. I'm still trying to get comfertable in putting all my feelings out there in the open, so you might notice me loosen up a bit the more I write. Well, hope everyone survives the snow...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wedding Dates

So ( I always start with "So") My best friend is getting married in two weeks. She's always wanted to be married, whether she'll admit it or not. She wasn't one of those girls with the whole wedding planned since she was 10, but it has been something she's always wanted. Well, with her getting married, it seems like that's all I hear, and I'm the only one that really knows that she's getting married in two weeks, but that's all I've heard today since she's told me, everyone has asked me "when are you and your boyfriend getting married?" I mean really, I've had quite a few people ask me today. Well more than usual by random friends, normally it's just my mom and grandma nagging me about it. Any how, here's the thing; me and my boyfriend have been together for going on five years, and in that time, I've gone through many fazes of wanting or not wanting marriage. At some points I was almost impatient, and wanted him to "shit or get off the pot" if you will. But then I've been on the complete other end of the scale, and I in no way shape or form wanted to marry him, or be married at all. Well, now I'm at a point in my life where that doesn't matter to me at all. All I'm worried about right now is getting my career and living life to it's fullest. Me and my boyfriend may be apart some time in the future, with me having to go an extra semester, and he'll probably have a job, then there's the chance that I decide to go away for grad school? So, right now I'm focused on doing good in school, and getting over this next hump in our relationship, which is long distance. I'm proud to say we've been together through it all, we've worked it out, and we're still here, but for now, I'm going to let life work itself out, and I'll be patient, and until we get to that point in our relationships, I'm going to take advantage of opportunities. But I am still excited for my friend. We've been friends for a long time, and she deserves the happiness that is coming to her. I mean, she does have me, I'll make sure she's happy or else!
And that's all I got to say about that...
So, me and my boyfriend got some decorating done! YAY! He cleaned for me, and then we got a lot of pictures of our family hung, and a little extra stuff. It still needs a little work, but I'm thinking it feels a bit more cozy all the time. I still have to make curtains.

Well, I am enjoying my MLK Day. Classes were canceled, which is awesome! I still have work, but at least I don't feel overwhelmed like I do on a normal weekday. It's been nice having this weekend to do my own projects, because I'm going to be loaded down with projects after projects, and reading. People think that being an art major is easy, but it's really not. It's fun, but it's very time consuming. Everyone just remember that...or else!

Well, time to start the day, and get ready to fight the customers at Goody's.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Adventures in Decorating

Well, as you may know, I've had a crazy week, that actually hasn't been the greatest. Well, today made up for all of that madness, which I'm glad, because I really want these bloggs to be funny and uplifting, which maybe if someone reads these they may feel uplifted in the sense that they are glad someone else shares their sarrows. Well anyways, I decided today that I wanted to decorate my apartment. I got to go into our neighbors apartment, and it looked like something out of a magazine! So, I'm thinking, I have the tools, and I'm creative, I can jazz up this place,. So me and my boyfriend got on those internets, and started by looking for some ideas for our walls. We really need some good art work (that's not my own) to put up, and I'm a big fan of Georges Suerat. I love pointalism, I've done my own paintings in pointalism, and he's just awesome. So we're looking, and I'm thinking, I wish we could just go to a Michaels, you know they always have good poster reprints of good art, so my boyfriend says why don't we. See, we go to a collage that doesn't have much. We have Wal-mart...and that's about as exciting as it gets. I am proud to say that we are not from here, and that we are from the city! Any how, we got up, got ready, and made our way to big city Lexington. And let me tell you, it was awesome! We didn't have a lot of money to spend, but it was nice to look around, and just spend some quality time together. He paid for gas, and I paid for dinner at our favorite resturaunt Qdoba's. Then we came home and ate ice cream.
So, we didn't get to be decorators today, but while we were at Michaels though we didn't see any posters worth buying and framing, I did get a few small canvases. I'm going to paint something cool to put on our walls(I love to paint). Tomarrow we are going to continue our adventure in decorating though, and I am so excited about it because we thought of a lot of good ideas on the way to and fro. I was telling my boyfriend on the way back from Lexington, that life is so exciting when you have the motivation to do things, and the ideas are flowing freely. It's awesome, and let me tell you, I'm really lucky to have such an awesome boyfriend to share all this excitement with. I couldn't imagine life without him. He's funny, he has awesome ideas, awesome interests...he's just great! And to top off a great day, I found out that I don't have to work tomarrow...
( be continued)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Can I have some of your cabin fever?

Well, today MC Chris posted a blog about how he was surviving cabin fever (which by the way, I think he's doing pretty good) well, today, I had no time for cabin fever.  First thing this morning our pipes froze...AGAIN! Yeah, that's right, that last time it got below zero, our pipes froze, and busted.  See, where we live in apartments, if everyone doesn't chip in by dripping the fossets, we all pay for it.  well, our maintanance guy was supposed to insolate the pipes, but what he did was wrapped the pipes only in the place it buste, and put insolation only in those areas(band-aid solution), obviously leaving room for other parts of the pipes to freeze, and possibly burst again.  
We found out that the pipes were frozen when I got up to get ready for work...I called everyone, and the only person I could get ahold of was the maintanace mans wife, who is a certified space cadet.  She just talked about useless crap, didn't seem to understand how much we didn't want our apartment flooded, again, so I hung up on her.  Finally we got ahold of the landlord, and the apartment manager (his mother-in-law), and he got ahold of the maintanance dude to turn off the water.  Me and My boyfriend had to take showers at the apartment managers house, which was wierd because it's set up for disabled old people, so there was a seat in the shower, like the ones that's at the pool.  It was just a strange and fustrating morning.  Now we finally have water.  hopefully tonight everyone will leave a drip, but if they don't...oh they don't want to know.

So, during all of this me and my boyfriend had classes, I got a short break, in which I played a little guitar hero to blow some steem, then I was scheduled to work at Goody's at 3p, and I got out of class at 2:50...So, I had to pick up a crappy meal at McDonald's (they gave me a rancid tomato) and go straight to work until 10p.  So it's been a long, long, long day.  And work sucked, because I work in the men's department, which I absolutely love, men are great, they hate to shop, therefore they don't hang around.  What I don't love is the fact there's only three people that work in the department. period.  and one of them doesn't do anything when she works, and just so happens she worked yesterday...and the department was an abomanation!  I have a lot of tables that normally have folded shirts or jeans on them, but today, they were tables with piles of clothes, nothing was folded.  So, by the end of the night, it didn't look like I got anything done, and my department looked like crap, which for anyone that works retail knows how much that sucks, and I think about it a lot, because what I don't get done, gets left for someone else tomarrow, and I hate that more than anything.  I feel that your shift is only as good as the person that worked before you makes it.  Meaning, if they left you a heaping pile of crap to clean up, it makes your  shift harder because you have to do your work, and thier work.  Good ol' Dominoe effect.  Anyhow, so I can't help to think how bad I feel for the guy that has to work tomarrow, because I left him with stuff to do.  Life goes on I guess.  

Now I'm home, I've finally winded down, and I'm glad today is over!  

I welcome the cabin long as I have running hot water...and video games.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

A little Refection of my week

So there's a lot going on for me this week, I started classes, got a work study, and I'm still at Goody's. I've finally gotten all my schedules worked out, but now I have to work out other things like life for example. I have no idea when I'm supposed to study (I guess now would be a good time...)then I'm having a hard time having a social life. I forgot a friend's birthday yesterday, and I felt horrible! I know I know, Facebook would've let me know, but I don't have much time to go on, but it would've been a good reminder. Anyways, I really think the root of my problems is money. I don't know why the government just doesn't print some more so we can just stop having all this problem. The system is flooded with money. There's no way to keep track of all of it, so I know there's no way money is still backed up by gold anymore. think about it; all those old farts that sit around and count all there dollar bills that they've been putting under their matress because they're afraid of another great depression, there's no keeping up with that. Once they decide to go to Goody's and spend all thier money because they're having this amazing going out of business sell (that's a complete joke if anyone's reading this, because you're not getting a deal anymore at Goody's) the system gets flooded. So US government....can a bum a $20.
Sorry to that friend who I forgot your birthday...I'll try to never do it again

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

what did I do today?

So, I like writing these bloggs.  They help me reflect on the day I have, make fun of all it's short comings, and enjoy the memories of the good things that happened. Well, as I sit down here to begin to write about my day...I don't feel like I have anything to say.  So, I'm going to have to remenence...well, the day started at the gym, me and my boyfriend are going to the gym every morning around 6:30.  I like going to the gym, but I'm so out of shape, the little skinny girls that that get on the tredmill next to me and start running a million miles an hour make me mad.  When I got back I had loads of energy, I cleaned my was a bit of a blur, it went by so fast.  I took some pictures at the library that were pretty cool, I'll probably posts those soon.  Maybe it's the weather, (it's cold gloomy and snowy)  nothing in this day really stuck out to me.  Oh, well, one of my cats ( the stoopid one) has decided he wants to be an outdoor kitten. So, he ran out on me twice, and I know he's going to be messed up in the head for this, but I had to lure him with Kitty snacks, then I'd snatch him up and throw him back in the house.  He's going to be so confused the next time we're giving him a treat.  I think my other cat (the Diva) tricks him into this stuff though, because she doesn't like him.  
Well...sorry this post was so boring, but I'm worn out from this appearently busy day I had (even though it just seems mediocre now).

Monday, January 12, 2009

That's Life

So, I'm in my senior year of collage, I was supposed to graduate this semester, but, I changed my majors status from having a major and a minor to having just a concentration in Art. Oh well! I'm trying to make the best of it. Right now things are a little hectic for me though. I've been working for Goody's since the end of last semester, and now they're going out of business, so, it's crazy with mobs of customers, and a lot of people have quit, so the few of us still hanging on, are barely hanging on. On top of that, I've started a work study, and I'm trying to get that schedule worked out so it doesn't interfere with me getting the hours at Goody's, and I have a pretty demanding school schedule. I'd have to say I haven't stressed like this in a while. I think I stress the most because now that I've had this job for a while, I've been paying all the bills, and my boyfriend has actually gotten to take a break from doing all the supporting, and it feels great! I don't like to be dependent on someone else, but before I had this job, my boyfriend paid most all the bills, and I could only help when I got refund checks from school, which I would pay a few months, but that's still not as much as he's done. there's still groceries, and gas. Any how, I'll survive, but until Goody's closes, I hope I can find a better job, that pays more, so I can survive!
On the positive side: I'm alive and healthy, and me and my boyfriend are going on 5 years together...5 YEARS!!! We live in this awesome apartment, and I have two awesome cats, and I have a great family. I may be going through some tuff times, but that's life, and it'll get better.

So, there it is! My first entry on my new blog site! I'm learning HTML (my awesome boyfriend is teaching me) so my site will start looking awesome soon!!!